Freezing coconut cream is a great way to save leftovers or prep ahead for future recipes. In just six simple steps, you can master the art of How To Freeze Coconut Cream with ease. I’m here to walk you through the process so you can keep your coconut cream fresh and creamy without any fuss!

What Is Coconut Cream?

Coconut cream is a dense cream derived from coconut milk. The top layer of cream is skimmed off chilled coconut milk and has a thicker and richer texture than coconut milk. Coconut cream is typically used in Desserts like chocolate mousse, whipped cream, and toppings.

How To Freeze Coconut Cream?

Now that you know the difference between coconut cream and milk, let’s learn about freezing it. This is a great way to preserve your extra coconut cream so that next time you want to use it for cooking or baking purposes, all of its amazing properties will be intact!

Step One: Open The Coconut And Drain Out The Water

  • When you open your coconut, make sure that the brown layer is facing down.
  • Use a spoon to scrape out all of the water in the center of your coconut.
  • Once drained, remove any bits left over from the inside with your hands or a fork.

Step Two: Scoop Out The Coconut Cream

  • Once all of the water is removed, use a spoon to scoop out your coconut cream.
  • Transfer the cream into a freezer bag or pouch ready to freeze.
  • You can also transfer this mixture into an airtight container if you prefer not to use a pouch.

Step Three: Freeze The Pouches Or Containers Of Coconut Cream

How to Defrost Coconut Cream?

To defrost, you can simply put your frozen coconut cream pouch in the fridge overnight. Alternatively, if you want it that day then let it thaw out at room temperature for an hour or two!

Remember to always check the quality of your product before use and discard if anything seems off.

Best Containers For Storing Coconut Cream

You can also use containers for coconut cream instead of freezer bags.

Here are some of the best containers for storing coconut cream that I found on Amazon!

  • Set of 12 Glass Baby Food Storage Containers – Yes these are designed for baby food but work perfectly with coconut cream and are the perfect size for 1 cup portions of coconut cream.
  • 10 Pack food prep food storage container – These come in two sizes and are great for storing larger amounts of coconut cream to add to meals such as Thai Green Curry.


How Long Does Coconut Cream Last?

Coconut cream can last in your freezer for up to six months.

How To Tell If Coconut Cream Is Bad? 

Since coconut cream is a dairy product, it will go bad if not stored properly. If you notice any discoloration or weird smells coming from the frozen cream then throw it out!

Does Freezing Affect Coconut Cream?

Freezing your coconut cream will not have a significant effect on its texture. When thawed, the consistency of the product is very similar to regular whipped cream!

What Is The Difference Between Coconut Milk And Coconut Cream? 

Coconut milk and coconut cream are both derived from coconuts. However, the difference is that coconut milk is made out of the water and shredded meat while coconut cream comes from just the fatty parts of the fruit.

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